Our services cater to businesses of all sizes, from small startups to enterprises. Let our sales executive know what you need, and they will help you customize our solutions to perfectly fit your goals.
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Our aim is to keep our servers clean from malware, phishing, and other malicious activities posing threat to Internet users. It does not mean that we judge before knowing you, but today's reality is that we can not predict intentions of every user who signs up. In order to prevent misuse of our services we had to apply certain limitations to shared hosting accounts.

In turn our servers are never blacklisted so you can always expect your email message to reach it's recipient, and Internet users to reach your website.

Free domain hosting We do not host free domains like .TK, .ML, .GA, and so on. It doesn't cost much to register a domain and host it with us for free.

PHP mail() and sendmail program Scripts mailing functionality is disabled by default on shared accounts. We recommend using SMTP ( php mailer with SMTP ) to send emails / systeam alerts / notifications from WordPress OR in your custom application instead of using the default PHP mail function. Click to know more on this.

Server configuration changes Our servers are perfectly configured to handle activity on legitimate websites. If you need more resources – please upgrade to Cloud VPS ( own dedicated server ).

Services for users from selected countries We do not provide any services to users from Brazil, Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Vietnam.

Part of the proceeds is given to an organisation working in the area of an important social cause.

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