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Send Unlimited Emails via Own Mail Server

Email marketing has proved to be one of the most effective digital promotion techniques, with its capacity to reach a vast audience very quickly and at the lowest cost. That is why it’s important not to underestimate the technical aspects of email delivery.

Now common email providers like Yahoo! Mail or Gmail do not allow you to send unlimited emails at once: they have some strict limitations both for the number of messages and the number recipients you can handle per day.

So if you’re starting an email campaign and you need to mail out a newsletter to a large number of accounts, you need to use a professional SMTP service. That is, a monitored outgoing server that allows sending unlimited emails with no concerns, maximizing your delivery rate.

If you want or need full control of your email, running your own mail server for marketing might be ideal solution.

We are an experienced Linux system administrator with expertise in Networking, Mail servers. We will do the all the needfull things required for your mail server for marketing purpose.

We will take care of:

  • Server setup and configration
  • SMTP and IMAP / POP3 server setup
  • DNS records: - MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC
  • SSL/TLS encryption with port 465, 993, 995 running
  • Webmails - RoundCube, RainLoop, SquirrelMail
  • MailLog Report
  • Mail server with virus scanning tools

If you have just brought a server, then i will do the initial configuration like creating a new sudo users, hardening SSH and other thing which may required to be fixed. By using a dedicated IP, you can better control your IP reputation because you’re not impacted by other senders’ bad practices.

Some benefits of running a mail server are:

  • Full control over both the server reputation and your sender email
  • Full control over IP reputation and domain reputation
  • Mail Server will cost no more than the price of your server monthly i.e. 10$ or based on server configuraiton cost.
  • Most importantly, with domain reputation, you can’t change an IP address to fix reputation problems.

Onetime Setup charges with 1 day special support and 2 hours KT session about best mailing practices & QA to get more ROI.

Email sending mistakes can now affect your domain reputation and your brand in a bigger way than it ever has before. This is why it’s so important to have good sending practices.

Don’t hesitate to message us. We are always ready to help you.

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