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Migration of Wordpress from Shared Hosting to AWS EC2

If you want to host a simple WordPress website, then AWS is not the best option for you; managed hosting providers or shared hosting are cheaper and easier to use. There are even managed cloud hosting providers in the market to host simple WordPress websites.

Running WordPress in a VM on Amazon’s AWS Cloud Platform allows you to use the full power of the cloud.

The main reason why you should host WordPress on AWS is because you’re developing a website that you predict will grow in size and complexity over time, and you require a platform built with the infrastructure that your website will require as it grows.

Here are 3 unique benefits of Amazon EC2 and How your business can benefit from utilizing Amazon’s virtual server hosting platform for WordPress:

  • Complete Control with Ease of Access
  • Secure
  • Highly Scalable and Available Environment
  • Often reserved for larger projects, Amazon Web Services is a powerful cloud computing platform that allows anyone to harness the power of Amazon’s superior infrastructure on a pay as you go basis.

Please note that setting up a custom WordPress install on Amazon web services is a very technical and complicated process.

Points to be noted after migration to dedicated or AWS VM:

  • Backup configaration
  • Resource monitoring
  • Security setup and Instance update
  • Daily monitoring

If you are stuck in mid of a project or just need an initial guidance for the right direction. Please book our KICK STARTERS Technical Session.

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