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If you are expecting Free hosting and cPanel hosting for small static websites then W3SERVICES is the right destination for you. Some of the remarkable features associated with the Linux hosting packages offered by us are Muilti PHP support, MySQL Databases, OpenLiteSpeed and more.

Make your website faster by selecting a server close to your users location. When a user types your website into a browser, the request travels all the way from her computer to your server and back. The time taken for this is called Latency. Latency is a big reason for the slow performance of a website.

Free Shared Hosting is perfect for personal websites, small and mid-sized businesses that do not require more resources on a server. Free hosting offers are only available to new W3SERVICES customers, and are available for 90 Days following your W3SERVICES sign-up date. NOTE - In this plan we do not provide any email account to reduce email spamming and misuse of server.

Contact us for 14 days free hosting. You need to submit any one of these documents as proof of identity.

Here is a list of documents that can be submitted as proof of identity and address -

  • Driving Licence.
  • Voters' Identity Card.
  • PAN Card.
  • Aadhaar Card issued by UIDAI.

You need to submit any one of these documents as proof of identity.

Part of the proceeds is given to an organisation working in the area of an important social cause.

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